Posts made in July 2019

How to Keep Order in Your HOA Community

hand writing the word “regulations”Finding the right balance between homeowner freedom and community wellbeing is a challenge when you’re managing an HOA. If you deal with frequent or flagrant violations of the rules, it might be time to think about improving them for the sake of keeping order. Follow these four tips to make sure everyone has an opportunity to take part in a safe, clean, and welcoming community:

Stay Consistent — Frequent rule changes or unfair enforcement are some of the factors most likely to cause tension and confusion. Minimize disruption by giving people time to adjust and confidence in how you handle violations.

Embrace Simplicity — Complicated requirements are hard to follow, hard to enforce, and easy to justify ignoring for the average homeowner. Look for ways to streamline your existing regulations.

Enforce Effectively — Nobody wants to cause confrontation, but enforcing the rules is critical to making sure others respect them. Don’t be afraid to consult or involve trusted lawyers in Ashburn, VA, if necessary.

Employ Communication — Many problems come from a simple lack of clarity or compromise. Communicating concerns and challenges is an essential part of any community, and making sure homeowners actually know the neighborhood rules is the only way you can expect compliance.

Why Your HOA Needs a Website

woman in business attire working on a laptopWhether you’re the director or a community member of your neighborhood’s HOA, it’s never too late to start thinking about creating your own website. HOA websites are surprisingly uncommon despite the world’s reliance on technology. But as organizations throughout the country start to see the logic behind them, more and more are undertaking the process of building their own sites.

If you’re not sure why your local HOA needs a website, consider this: because most people look online for information these days, it makes sense to place pertinent announcements, guidelines, and regulations in an easily accessible space. Creating a website is a simple way to reach your audience.

Not only that, a website can help you ensure you’ve done your due diligence in keeping residents informed of essential HOA rules and neighborhood guidelines. In the past, attorneys in Ashburn, VA, have worked with HOAs accused of negligence by frustrated residents who claimed ignorance of such rules. But when everyone has access to these rules, everyone can stay in the loop.

Finally, an HOA website can save you time and money when it comes to bulletins. Now you can skip the flyers and handouts, as well as frequent trips to the local printers. Everyone wins with a comprehensive HOA website.

When you need expert legal advice for your HOA, contact Ceresa Law at 703-726-9500.